Dear Infinity Maps Team, please delete my account. Unfortunately I have not found a way to do this myself. Thank you very much and best regards, Marcus Weyerke
09-03-2023 -
Newest / Oldest
Heiko (admin)
Status changed to:
Heiko (admin)
Dear Marcus, indeed: Currently, accounts can only be deleted manually through us. So just sending us a message to or here is the way to go.
I have cancelled your account as you requested.
Now, of course, we would be curious to learn what you expected from Infinity Maps and what was missing for you, so you do not need your account anymore. Can you give us some feedback?
Activity Newest / Oldest
Heiko (admin)
Status changed to: Erledigt
Heiko (admin)
Dear Marcus, indeed: Currently, accounts can only be deleted manually through us. So just sending us a message to or here is the way to go.
I have cancelled your account as you requested.
Now, of course, we would be curious to learn what you expected from Infinity Maps and what was missing for you, so you do not need your account anymore. Can you give us some feedback?
Heiko (admin)
Status changed to: In Arbeit