Blank screen with errors

  • Erledigt

Heiko Haller

When I try to access the app, all I get since yesterday is a blank screen and the following error message:
"An error occurred while handling your request".


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Heiko (admin)

Status changed to: Erledigt


Heiko Haller

English: It was especially one Firefox version, that used to suddenly disable WebGL. This has been fixed in later Versions of Firefox.
If you still have Issues with WebGL, here is a more detailed guide how to enable WebGL: infinitymaps.io/help-faq/

Deutsch: Es war insbesondere eine Version von Firefox, die WebGL gelegentlich kurzfristig abgeschaltet hat. Dies ist in späteren Versionen von Firefox behoben.
Sollten dennoch Probleme mit WebGL auftreten, findet sich hier eine detaillierte Anleitung um WebGL zu aktivieren: infinitymaps.io/de/faq/


Heiko (admin)

3) A simple restart of the computer has also helped in at least one case.


Heiko (admin)

This happens, when, for some reason, WebGL is not active.
Here are two things that have helped others:

1) In Firefox: go to "about:config" (copy that into your address field) and search for "webgl.disable-fail-if-major-performance-caveat". If it is set to false, try setting it to true.

2) On Windows (10): try uninstalling and re-installing the driver of your graphics card.

In Google Chrome, you can go to chrome://gpu/ and send us a screenshot of what you find there.
"OpenGL" should be enabled,
"WebGL2" should have hardware acceleration.


Heiko (admin)

Status changed to: In Arbeit