Auto-Adding by mail


In Evernote I have the ability to add new posts by sending an email to my given Evernote-Mailadress.

I would love to see this feature also in infinity maps. Probably it would be nice to add some keywords in the subject to link it directly to an existing map and probably even to a given card.

Additonaly it would be nice if the new card could directly include text and attachement from the email.

My actual use-case works like this:
- I listen to podcast in overcast.
- Share a clip.
- Send this to my email-Adress.
- Save the audiofile on my pc.
- open infity maps.
- Create a card, enter the subject of the audiosnippet and than upload the linked file.


Activity Newest / Oldest



I could also imagine the other way (because I like collaboration and am disappointed of Outlooks flat thinking): to send emails to mailing lists from within a map. And nested mailing lists could be deposited in tree-structures inside different boxes in the map (but only with high data-security). But for such a new thing I would suggest collaboration with some email-provider.